Condescending iPhone 4 Press Conference
Steve Jobs finally says what he really means.
Steve Jobs finally says what he really means.
Consider this a headline I never would have expected 10 years ago. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve used Apple products exclusively over the last decade, and it’s been an intriguing journey to say the least. But according to CNN, Apple is now the world’s most valuable tech company. While that fact in and of itself […]
[Via Octopuspants]
From a commentator on reddit: To those who can’t understand the reporter, the report is actually very accurate as to what has happened. They take a very “Apple is evil” stance (obviously), but all the incidents in the report are accurate. Most of the report is in Chinese (Mandarin) except for Job’s reply to the […]
Warning: Those of you with an iPhone 3G who upgraded to iOS 4.0 will cry while watching this.
I guess Apple will have to do something really soon about those faulty iPhones, because when your device’s problems start appearing in mainstream media like that, you know you’ve got some serious issues on hand. [Via Crunchgear]
It doesn’t seem likely Apple will be selling unlocked iPhones any time soon. But in theory at least, a court ruling has brought that a step closer. A federal court has granted class action status to a case against both Apple and AT&T. Class action means that anyone in a designated category (in this case, […]
Building on the success of the Genius bars, Apple stores across the country unveiled the Friend Bar, a new service that pairs insufferable Apple customers with “friends” that will listen to them rattle on for hours. Oh, and if this is the first time you’ve listened to a news report from the ONN, please note […]
It appears a new incarnation of the iPod touch is on the way with both the hardware and software capabilities to take advantage of the new iOS4 system. Most current iPod touches can, of course, be updated to run the system, but features such as FaceTime video calling are a no-go without a camera. PocketLint […]