Reasons Why People Want a Mac [Graph]
[Via MUO]
[Via MUO]
If you want one, you better hurry and get one before Apple hears of this and require that the online store take the product down. [$35 @ | Via Obviouswinner]
Ok everyone, now let’s all drink a big tall glass of refreshing Apple Kool-Aid… Mmmkay?
Worldwide PC sales figures have taken a tumble — and everyone has an explanation why. Two separate estimates show the same pattern in sales figures for January through March this year, compared with the same period in 2010. IDC estimates there were 80.6 million shipments worldwide, down 3.2%, while Gartner puts the total at 84.3 […]
Artist Jesse Lenz tried to capture the essence of what Apple fandom is (according to him) with this funny piece titled “impetuous.” [Source: Jesse Lenz – Flickr]
Time Warner narrowly avoided a lawsuit over including TV channels on an iPad app last week, but has responded by putting a dozen new channels on the service. The stance appears to have inspired at least one cable provider rival to follow suit. The app involved is considerably more limited that you might expect given […]