New 1-Pound iPad Air is 20% Thinner, Twice as Powerful [Video]

You have to hold iPad Air to believe it. It’s just 7.5 millimeters thin and weighs just one pound. The stunning Retina display sits inside thinner bezels, so all you see is your content. And an incredible amount of power lies inside the sleek enclosure. So you can do so much more. With so much […]

Apple Addresses iPhone Fingerprint Security Concerns

When Apple announced the forthcoming iPhone 5S will have a fingerprint unlock mechanism, cynics were, to say the least, skeptical about the security implications. Apple is now on a PR offensive to reassure potential users. In a statement to the Wall Street Journal, Apple reiterated that at no point does the device store an image of […]

Obama overturns iPhone/iPad import ban

President Obama’s administration has overturned a patent ruling that would effectively have banned some iPhone and iPad models in the US. A government official said the rare veto was necessary to protect competition and consumer interests, but it’s the issue of standards-essential patents that is really the key here. The case is separate to the […]