iPad Glitch Delays Flights

Several American Airline flights were delayed yesterday after an iPad app used by pilots crashed the device. The app acted as an electronic version of a “flight bag” of printed documentation. AA got regulatory permission to use iPads in-flight in 2012 when it proposed using them to store digital versions of aircraft operating manuals and […]

The Year in News: What Happened Next (Stories From January-February 2014)

It’s time once again to take a look back at some of the news stories we’ve covered here at GaS in 2014 as well as following up on later developments. In January, AT&T started offering companies the chance to make “sponsorship” payments that meant they picked up the tab when users streamed or downloaded their […]

Hear: The App That Let’s You Anonymously Talk… and Stalk!

By Kazzie Ch – Robot Sucré Guest Blogger What if I were to tell you that you could listen to people’s conversations without feeling totally weird about it? Never mind eavesdropping on your table neighbor at Starbucks. We’ve done this already; it’s not exciting anymore. Also, I don’t care about your pumpkin-spiced latte. There’s a […]