“W00tstock” Song Streaming Free

Good news for Phirm ‘n’ Hard fans from Nerdist recently: Mike Phirman’s “W00tstock” is available on iTunes, and even better, streaming for free online. Mike Phirman. “W00tstock,” a parody (like you wouldn’t be able to figure this out yourself) of Joni Mitchell’s song (or, more precisely, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young’s cover of Joni Mitchell’s […]

Google+ Games Are a Go

One of the most distinct differences between Facebook and Google+ thus far has been the absence of in-platform games. On Facebook, those who don’t play Farmville and the like can be bombarded with invites and requests faster than they can click Block. For this reason, Google Senior Vice President Vic Gundotra’s announcement that games for Google+ […]

Media May Have Failed IQ Test

A widely reported “study” showing Internet Explorer users had lower IQs than users of other browsers is looking suspiciously like a hoax. The story originated with a press release from what apparently is “a Vancouver based Psychometric Consulting company” named AptiQuant. The story received widespread coverage as fact, with accompanying comment from writers. (For the […]

Overburdened with Fail: Diablo 3 Is Online-Only

It’s a Blizzard theme day, apparently. Earlier we showed you the seven-minute preview video of Diablo III gameplay. Epic, amirite? But wait, there’s more. Because, hey, we’ve only been waiting a decade. Diablo III, the long-awaited, many-fabled unicorn of point-and-click RPGs, that same super awesome game you witnessed earlier here on Geeks Are Sexy, can […]