The Social Hands [Pic]
[Get them on a tee @]
[Get them on a tee @]
According to the Federal Communications Commission, the majority of American “broadband” users are not actually receiving broadband speed. That’s because the FCC currently defines broadband as requiring a download speed of at least 4Mbps and an upload speed of 1Mbps. In total, 68 percent of broadband connections in the US fall short of this speed. […]
Well, that was kind of awkward…
[Via Buzzfeed]
Ninjas? Way over done. Pirates? Johnny Depp should have hung up his hat with the first movie. Zombies? Dawn of the Yawn. Pandas? Skadoosh! That’s the magic piece of the puzzle! Move over Angry Birds, there’s a game with a way more awesome premise on the rise!
Today Youtube announced that it was lifting the restriction it’s placed on the length of video content being uploaded to their platform. This is great news, because we don’t have to chop our videos into 15-minute chunks to get them uploaded and playable. The Catch “Starting today, we’ll begin allowing selected users with a history […]
This morning at midnight on the West Coast (that’s 3am EST), the new World of Warcraft expansion went live in the United States (after launching earlier for European servers). For the hardcore WoW players who are itching to get their raid on, their Cataclysm experience might have started with dashing over to the new zone […]
An Arctic inhabitant is fascinated by the sudden appearance of a mysterious box.
Google has confirmed it plans to launch an e-book store before the end of the year, challenging the likes of Amazon’s Kindle store. The Google project was originally planned to launch this summer but was held up by technical and legal problems. The main selling point of the store, to be known as Google Editions, […]