The Accidental Birth of “Oh My” – A George Takei Origin Story

Imagine this: George Takei, a man of elegance, a Starfleet legend, a voice as smooth as dilithium crystals, walks into what he thinks is a normal radio interview. He’s been waiting patiently in the lobby, flipping through a respectable magazine, while some absolute nonsense blares from the speakers.

“This show is disgusting,” he mutters to the person next to him. “Why can’t they play some good music instead?”

Person: “That’s the show we’re about to go on.”

Moments later, Takei steps into the studio and is greeted by a wild-haired, bespectacled Howard Stern, who skips past all pleasantries and goes straight for the jugular:

“You have a deep voice. A voice like that must have a big dong below.”

Takei freezes. Somewhere in the distance, a Vulcan drops his teacup. The world holds its breath.

“Are we on the air?” he asks, clinging to the last shred of hope that this is all some bizarre prank.

Stern: “Yep.”

Takei, with the dignity of a Starfleet captain and the grace of a Broadway icon, lets out a single, legendary:

“Oh My.”

And that, dear friends, is how history was made. Stern, being Stern, captured it on tape, and now, whenever anything absurd happens in the universe, the button gets pressed and George Takei forever graces us with the perfect reaction to literally everything.

Oh my, indeed.