At Quebec Comiccon (Winter Edition) we stumbled on the most wholesome Jedi moment ever! @starforge_cosplay (as Cal Kestis) looks like he just found the droid he’s looking for, and he’s never letting go!
R2-KT may be a legendary astromech, but today, she’s also an emotional support droid. Even Jedi Knights need a little droid therapy sometimes!
Did you know R2-KT is more than just a stylish droid? She was created in honor of Katie Johnson, daughter of 501st legion founder Albin Johnson. Built to comfort Katie during her battle with cancer, she now visits hospitals and spreads awareness of pediatric illnesses. Even in a galaxy far, far away, kindness is the strongest Force of all!
Photo by Geeks are Sexy
This version of R2-KT built by @christophergoupil