Cards Against Humanity Sues Elon Musk for $15 Million After SpaceX “Trashes” Their Anti-Wall Land


Elon Musk is in serious trouble—because he’s picked a fight with Cards Against Humanity, the one company that turns offensiveness into an art form.

Back in 2017, they ran a campaign where 150,000 people chipped in $15 to “save America” from, well, pretty much everything. Their first move? Buying land on the US/Mexico border specifically to not build a wall. They even set up a trebuchet—because why not? Things were going great, until one day… Elon Musk showed up.

According to Cards Against Humanity, Musk’s SpaceX decided to do a little redecorating on their land without asking—because nothing says “classy billionaire” like dumping your space junk on someone else’s lawn. When confronted, SpaceX gave them an offer straight out of a Shark Tank reject pile: a lowball price with a 12-hour take-it-or-leave-it ultimatum.

Cards Against Humanity’s response? A polite, “Go f**k yourself, Elon Musk.”

Now they’re suing him for $15 million, and if they win, they’re planning to split the money with the original supporters. But let’s be real—no amount of cash will ease the pain of watching Elon Musk turn your not-a-wall land into his personal Mars parking lot.

Stay tuned for the trial of the century: Cards Against Humanity vs. Space Billionaire Who Forgot to Ask Permission.