A Voyage to Catan: The Long-Awaited English Translation Sails into Port this October

Catan Novel

In a world where sheep are bartered like gold and roads are worth their weight in victory points, there exists an island—an island of dreams, of hopes, of resource management. This mystical place is called Catan, and if you’ve ever found yourself at a kitchen table trading wood for brick, you’ve already been a part of its legend. But, dear reader, there’s a tale of Catan that you haven’t heard. Not yet, anyway.

Catan Novel English Translation: What to Expect

For those of you who’ve spent countless evenings plotting your way to dominance over fields of grain and quarries of stone, the time has come to delve into the world of Catan in a way that requires no dice rolls, no hexagonal tiles, and absolutely no arguing over who gets to be the robber. Yes, the long-awaited CATAN novel is finally getting an English translation, and it’s set to sail into our hands this October.

Storyline of the Catan Novel

Norway, 860.

Half-brothers Thorolf, Yngvi, and Digur have conspired to help Asla–daughter of Halldor, a powerful Viking chieftain–to escape her father’s oppressive rule. However, when they are discovered the chieftain’s revenge is swift and mighty. Pillaging his way through the realms of his daughter’s liberators, Halldor banishes his kin and has the brothers driven from their land.

Left with no other choice, the three brothers–together with family and their allies–depart their home, sailing for new shores and, after a treacherous voyage, finally reach their destination: Catan, Land of the Sun.

But new challenges await on this island, and new discoveries must be made if they are to survive. Will the brothers be able to stand together and offer a better future for all the settlers, or will this new mission divide them even more …

Why the Catan Novel Matters to Fans

Now, the idea of a CATAN novel might seem strange to some—after all, the original game is about building settlements and trading resources, not the stuff of epic sagas. But let us not forget that behind every piece of wool, every stack of bricks, lies a story waiting to be told. And with over 40 million copies of the game sold, it seems that there are quite a few of us who are eager to hear it.

Mark Your Calendars for October

So whether you’ve been waiting for this translation with bated breath or are just now realizing that CATAN is more than just a way to ruin friendships, mark your calendars. This October, the island of Catan beckons once more, not with the promise of victory points, but with the allure of adventure, discovery, and perhaps a sheep or two.

Prepare yourselves, for the journey to Catan is about to begin anew. And this time, the only roll you’ll need to make is to turn the page.

Pre-Order Now

-PRE-ORDER: Catan: The Novel (The Catan series)

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[Via CB]