Must-Watch: Biomedical Scientist Debunks Health Pseudoscience Claims from The Internet

In the latest episode of Wired’s “Tech Support,” or in this case, “pseudoscience support,” biomedical scientist Dr. Andrea Love takes on the daunting task of addressing health misinformation circulating on the internet. This video isn’t just informative—it’s essential viewing for anyone seeking to navigate the maze of health information online. Dr. Andrea Love, with her brilliant scientific mind and exceptional communication skills, makes complex topics accessible to all.

This one is a must-watch, geeks!

Also, be sure to check out Dr. Love on social media! She’s definitely worth following!


I often get asked “what’s the harm?” when I debunk a myth or misconception about science and health. While it might seem silly to spend time discussing why homeopathy is sugar pills, or why onions in your socks are ineffective, the truth is that all of these are health misinformation. Health misinformation is information related to health topics that is false, inaccurate, or misleading according to the best available evidence at the time. It can range from the seemingly benign to potentially deadly. Data demonstrate that those who believe in one piece of misinformation are more likely to fall victim to other health misinformation. So while onions in your socks sounds harmless, it actually opens the door to more dangerous rejection of science, like refusing vaccines, using fake cancer cures, and more. Social media exploits this psychology, as algorithms feed consumers of misinformation and subsequent false content. This becomes a cycle, where more misinformation spreads further, beyond a single individual and permeating the community. It is a responsibility of scientific experts to address misinformation in all forms, so that we can maintain integrity and trust in science and medicine. As silly as it might seem, that includes calling out everything from ineffective “home remedies” to anti-vaccine myths. Even the most seemingly benign misinformation can have detrimental consequences. #scicomm #scienceeducation #health #healthinfo #sciencecommunication #misinformation #sciencefacts #scientist #immunologist #immunity #immunesystem #immunology #microbiologist #science #scienceandtechnology #healthandwellness #wellnessindustry #factsnotfear #womeninSTEM #scienceisreal #publichealth #factsoverfeelings

♬ original sound – Dr. Andrea Love | Immunologist