Sneakers? Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Sneakers

Etsy seller FifthAvenue5 made the most perfect slippers I have ever seen: A pair of absolutely gorgeous knitted Back to the Future “Air Mags” slippers! They even come with a rubber sole for extra durability and comfort!

These Back To The Future Knitted Slippers look exactly like the shoes from the movie, except much softer since they are knitted. They are Back To The Future Booties if you will. These unique slippers will keep you warm no matter what time period you find yourself in, while also keeping that awesome future style.

Get a pair for yourself or for your kids. Or both. I’m making both adults and kids sizes. Back To The Future? More like Back To warm and toasty feet. I don’t care if you are a Marty, a Doc or a Biff, these are a must-have item for any Back To The Future fan to wear around the house in the winter.

[BTTF Knitted Slippers]

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