Forget Baby Yoda, You Can Now Own a Baby Jabba Doll!

Baby Jabba Doll

I really, really want one of these Baby Jabba dolls! Available in 4 colors: purple, green, brown, and blue.

Sculpted by hand, cast in the same kind of special FX grade platinum silicone as the famed “Baby Yoda” aka “Grogu” master puppet of The Mandalorian. It’s a shore hardness 00 silicone, with additional silicone “deadener” for a super soft, life like feel. Made with custom glass eyes, each one is airbrushed and hand painted with special “Smooth-On” silicone paint system. Tongue is detachable (recommended for diversity in display, i.e. display with or without tongue), unless requested to be non removable. Baby Basket is optional.

Baby Jabba

Check out this timelapse video of the artist creating a Baby Jabba doll below:


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