Star Trek “Has Been” Robot Guy Actor Tries to One-Up the Wonderful Levar Burton [Comedy Sketch]

I know some of you might get triggered by that headline, but worry not, it’s only a joke related to the short comedy sketch below. Brent Spiner is amazing and we love him dearly here at Geeks are Sexy! He can also actually sing rather nicely, which is something I did not know about the man! Here’s the sketch’s official synopsis:

Brent Spiner made his name as iconic android Data on “Star Trek,” but he’s retreated from public life in Hollywood. He’s been teaching acting at Cal State Fullerton, but when he’s up for an award for his work on the show that made him famous, he mulls over a comeback, though he’s reluctant to dive back in. It’s a whole new Hollywood, complete with TMZ and hashtags, and Spiner isn’t sure it’s for him.

But when his old nemesis LeVar Burton commits to the awards show, Spiner decides to jump back into Hollywood. As he makes the rounds and re-enters in the industry, he finds himself embroiled in the old feud that plagued him during the height of his fame — and it’s still bitter enough to possibly derail his re-entry into Hollywood.