Give This Guy a Nobel Prize: Man Proposes Renaming ‘Boneless Chicken Wings’ at City Council Meeting

Watch as erudite and Lincoln, Nebraska hero Andrew Christensen makes his point at his local city council as to why boneless chicken wings must absolutely be renamed.

“I propose that we as a city remove the name boneless wings from our menus and from our hearts. These are our reasons why: Number one, nothing about boneless chicken wings actually come from the wing of a chicken. We would be disgusted if a butcher was mislabeling their cuts of meats, but then we go around pretending as though the breast of a chicken is its wing?” said Christensen.

“Number two, boneless chicken wings are just chicken tenders, which are already boneless,” Christensen continued. “I don’t go to order boneless tacos. I don’t go and order boneless club sandwiches. I don’t ask for boneless auto repair. It’s just what’s expected.”

“Number three, we need to raise our children better. Our children are being raised to be afraid of having bones attached to their meat. That’s where meat comes from, it grows on bones. We need to teach them that the wing of a chicken is from a chicken, and it’s delicious,” Christensen said.

Well said, Mr. Christensen, well said.

[Via Geekologie]

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