These are the Geeky Face Masks You Were Looking For

As governments are starting to think about unquarantining people, health organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other state health departments have started recommending that people wear a mask when heading outside. The recommendations state that masks should have multiple layers. More layers equals less chance that mucus will be able to pass through. Also the mask should be made from a dense material. From what I’ve read, cotton-blend fabrics are among the most effective at stopping viruses from going in… or out.

With that in mind, I’ve started looking for the best geeky face masks I could find, and I stumbled on the EnchantedCraft Etsy store. Pictured below: yours truly!

Star Wars Face Mask

Made from 100% quilters cotton on the outside and 100% cotton flannel on the inside these masks are safe for you to wear, wash, and iron. Unlike most masks I have 6″ of metal wire (aluminum) at the nose area so you can form it closely to your face. Make sure you spend a few minutes forming the wire for your personal fit!

I’ve ordered the one titled “Star Wars Ships”, but they are a lot of other options, and they can come with either elastic of fabric ties. Be sure to check ’em all out! They’re also extremely affordable, comfortable, and come in four different sizes! (See picture above! I received mine a few days ago!)

[EnchantedCraft Face Mask]

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