Japan Has Made a Kick-Ass Gaming Bed

Japanese furniture manufacturer Bauhutte has made what can only be called the greatest piece of gaming furniture ever invented. Behold:

The only things missing from that setup? An integrated toilet similar to the one installed aboard the International Space Station, a mini fridge, and a toaster oven. Seriously Bauhutte, you guys need to step up your game! ;)

From the official description (translated from Japanese):

The ultimate gaming bed with everything you need for your gaming life. Based on the basic game, the gaming sofa and long side table improve game comfort. In addition, the “Energy Wagon” and “Slim Bottle Rack”, which can stock a large amount of sweets and drinks, will not help strengthen the food environment. It is truly a “perpetual institution”.

[Source: Bauhutte | Via @theGunrun | Neatorama]

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