Ben & Jerry’s Unveils New “Netflix and Chill” Ice Cream; No Jokes!

What goes perfectly with binging a show on Netflix? A pint of delicious Ben & Jerry’s ice cream! It might not be all that good for our waistlines, but it’s perfect for our souls! With that in mind, the good folks over at Ben & Jerry’s have created the perfect ice cream flavor for us: The “Netflix and Chill”, featuring peanut butter ice cream with sweet and salty pretzel swirls and fudge brownie!

There’s something for everyone to watch on Netflix & flavors for everyone to enjoy from Ben & Jerry’s, so we’ve teamed up to bring you a chillaxing new creation that’s certain to satisfy any sweet or salty snack craving. It’s a flavorful world, and everyone is invited to grab a spoon.

Just the perfect thing to pig out on while sitting on that humongous “Netflix and Chill” bean bag chair.

[Ben & Jerry’s Netflix and Chill Ice Cream]