The “Rite Press” is a Revolutionary “No Mess” French Coffee Press

Most geeks love coffee, and a French press is one of the best ways to make delicious coffee, but unfortunately, cleaning your french press once you’re done with the brewing process is a big hassle. Introducing the Rite Press, the “no mess” french press that features a removable, twist-off bottom that traps coffee grounds for easy disposal. It also has a built-in thermometer to measure water temp, a magneti hourglass to time your brew, and can even come with an optional tea kit add-on.

At time of writing, the “Rite Press” has raised almost 1.3 million dollars, just over 6000% of its inial funding goal.

Love coffee? Get the rite press for over 50% off during the crowdfunding campaign with free US shipping. Canadian shipping is $14, and International shipping is $21. Orders will start shipping in August 2018, just a month away!

[Rite Press -The ‘No Mess’ French Press]