The ULTIMATE Tabletop Game in Alien Terror: “The Thing: Infection AT Outpost 31”

By: Marie-Helene Amyot, contributing writer, Geeks are Sexy

35 year ago, John Carpenter‘s sci-fi horror flick The Thing was released, and now, a tabletop game paying homage to the movie is being released. In “The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31” you can play as one of a dozen characters from the film as you investigate the facility to find who amongst the team has been infected by the alien.

Gather your gear, investigate the facility, face sabotage, expose any imitations that have infiltrated your crew, fight the Thing – then escape Outpost 31! Remember: your friends are the warmest place to hide. And so are you.

Watch as Elijah Wood explains the game in the following video:

[The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31]