*SPOILER* in “Justice League” Will *SPOILER* and Have a Moustache (Kind of)

Don’t read this post if you don’t want to learn about certain very important details about the movie!

The problem with articles like THIS is that they tell us that DC and the movie studio is letting Henry Cavill keep his Mission Impossible 6 mustache and they are just CG’ing it out (expensive much?) but in telling us that, they also tell us the huge spoiler that superman will, indeed, be in the Justice League movie. That is kind of a major spoiler bomb to drop (we all knew it anyway, but still), and to drop it on unexpected readers and people who may not know how the storyline is playing out is not cool.

Anyway, I say they leave the mustache in and just make him look like Chuck Norris. Game over, everyone wins.

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