Legion: You Geeks Were Right About Shadow King, Not Mojo

Just because I am a writer does not mean I don’t make mistakes. While 99.999% of all internet writers would not post a follow-up for something so insignificant without their boss egging them on to do so, I guess I am the minority here. I am writing this of my own volition.

About a month back I wrote about how I thought the bad guy on FX’s Legion was Mojo. This is why:

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Yellow, fat, creepy. Never shown from waist down (at that point) and thinks life is a TV show. A perfect fit, and an enemy of X-Men while Legion was in the book. Now below is how the creature looks on the Legion show and how it looked when I wrote said article and came to said conclusion:

And THIS is how Shadow King looked in comics, to me, at least:

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So it is easy to see why I jumped to the Mojo conclusion. But I am not one of those megalomaniac internet writers who never admits fault.

Straight up, I was wrong, and am sorry about that. Man, you geeks know your sh*t!

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