Could “Daymare 1998” Be the Resident Evil Clone People Have Been Waiting For?

Honestly, the new Resident Evil 7 demo was great fun, creepy, and had some stunning visuals. But what many people seem to be saying is it feels more like an Outlast game than a true Resident Evil game (which is by no means a bad thing, but just not the Resident Evil we know and love). Yet today we hear of an upcoming horror game called “Daymare 1998” and while it won’t win any awards for best name, the game itself looks like a true successor to the amazing RE4 we all loved so much.

Also, please note the X-Files poster on the wall in first two minutes of demo, nice little easter egg. That paired with the palpably creepy atmosphere and you have what could very well be the next horror game that reminds of us the series that made horror games popular in the first place. Though some may say the lighting is a little dark and muddied looking, this is early footage and don’t forget, in a horror game the best part is not always being able to see what is coming for you!

We’ll be keeping our eyes peeled on this one for sure.


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