Should You Trust Your Gut Instinct? [Science Video]

We all get those intuitive gut reactions when making decisions, but should you follow them? We take a look at where these feelings come from, and if you can trust them!

Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without proof, evidence, or conscious reasoning, or without understanding how the knowledge was acquired. Different writers give the word “intuition” a great variety of different meanings, ranging from direct access to unconscious knowledge, unconscious cognition, inner sensing, inner insight to unconscious pattern-recognition and the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. There are philosophers who contend that the word “intuition” is often misunderstood or misused to mean instinct, truth, belief, meaning, and other subjects, whereas others contend that faculties such as instinct, belief and intuition are factually related. [Source]

[Source: ASAP Science on Youtube]