Pokémon Sun Versus Pokémon Moon: Which To Buy and Why?

Oh man, very few moral quandaries are quite as daunting in the geek movement than the moment when two Pokemon games drop at the same time (like Silver and Gold, Nickel and Aluminum editions and so on) and it is up to you as the geek to CHOOSE only one. BUT WHICH ONE?

No matter what, you only get half of what you truly want. But if it comes right down to it, which Pokemon game should players buy first, Sun or Moon? This Kotaku articles delves deeply and represents both sides fairly and without bias. long story short, depends on the gamer and their personal Pokemon preferences.

For most of us, though, the most important question we’re going to ask ourselves is this: which version has a larger number of Pokémon that look awesome to me? Neither technically has the ‘better’ Pokémon; it all comes down to taste. I for example went with Sun, because the lion Pokémon is way more awesome than the bat thing. You might feel like darkness is totally your aesthetic, so Moon is the best choice. Let your heart guide you.

Great advice from one gamer to another(s). So which one will YOU choose? Sun or Moon?

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