Brandish Thy Blade: White Dwarf Magazine is Back!


The fact of the matter here is either you know of (and loved) White Dwarf magazine, or you never heard of it and even hearing of its return will mean little to you. But to most old school fantasy and tabletop game fans and Warhammer groupies, it was more than a magazine. It was like a geek bible. But like most geek things, it faded into obscurity and went the way of the Vanishing Cloak of the Higher Elvenkind (in other words, it vanished). But here is some news via Games Workshop worth throwing your D20 about:

It’s here at last – the start of the latest, greatest incarnation of White Dwarf, the Ultimate Warhammer Magazine. At 156 full-colour A4 pages, it’s a beast of a magazine bringing you all your favourites from White Dwarf’s long history, freshly re-imagined, alongside a whole heap of stuff you never dreamed of. We’ve got all the latest news in Planet Warhammer, Army of the Month, the Battle Report, A Tale of Four Warlords, the Ultimate Guide, Blanchitsu, Readers’ Models and much, much more. That’s not to mention that this issue is a boxed game special, bringing you 24 pages of rules for no less than 9 different games! This is simply the finest issue of White Dwarf we’ve ever made. Get one now – and check out our subscription offers, because there’s much, much more to come.

Sorry peeps, I want to write more about this, but I literally have tears of joy streaming down my face right now and I am afraid I will get electrocuted since I am typing at a computer right now. Long story short, though. This is some “blown mind” kind of stuff and many true geeks right now are saluting the many gods for making this happen.

Please let it be known I made up all the fantasy names in this piece (Higher Elvenkind?) but don’t hate me. It was great fun.


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