8 Free eBooks if You Want to Learn Web Development (A Value of $240 Total!)


Whether you’re already a web developer or you simply want to learn more on technologies that power the web, we have a total of seven free ebooks for you guys today, each with a value of $30! ($210 total!)

Here they are:

The Principles of Beautiful Web Design, 3rd Edition ($30 eBook, FREE for a limited time)

HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World: 2nd Edition (A $30 Value, FREE)

Jump Start HTML5 (A $30 Value) Free for a limited time

CSS Master: Organized, Efficient, Powerful-CSS Done Right! (Valued at $30)

Build Mobile Websites and Apps for Smart Devices (a $30 FREE! For a limited time)

JavaScript: Novice to Ninja (FREE for a limited time!) Regularly $30

Full Stack JavaScript Development with MEAN (FREE eBook, $30 Value!)

Outsourcing Web Projects: 6 Steps to a Smarter Business (Valued at $30)
