Calling All Star Wars Fans: You Need to Watch Fan film ‘Exile’

I write for quite a few geek sites and get sent a bevvy of fan videos of all flavors. Truth is, sometimes when you get an email with someone asking you to share their film, you kind of cringe when you sit down to watch it, scared to be honest with them if it isn’t quite up to standards. Thankfully, when I got Noel Braham’s Star Wars fan film Exile, the exact opposite feeling happened as I watched it. A rush of relief that this was a stellar (see what I did there) fan film that fits perfectly into the pre-existing Star Wars universe. The effects are impressive and everything from the slow text crawl at the start to the famous Lucas ‘screen wipe’ directorial move are true to a galaxy we have all grown very fond of. Exile nails the tone and aesthetic. No easy feet, mind you.

Yet, Exile is no retread and brings new elements to the table. A darker villain than we have seen in a Star Wars universe, and though he took me a second to appreciate (is that the lead singer of AFI?) he pulls a pretty gnarly Force move early on that REALLY impressed me and won me over immediately. The less I say about actress Georginna Savoye, the better, as I am almost 100% positive she is the prettiest living creature I have ever seen and I do not want to undermine her talent, as she has quite the screen presence (and seems integral to how this story will unfold).

As for writer, director, and star Noel Braham? Dude is repping the Star Wars universe and has me drooling over the next episode, which is in development right now. Also, throw the dude a vote for “Best Star Wars Fan Film” if you get a chance. Very humble guy who deserves everything that will inevitably come as a result of this. Huge shout out to Pokey Spears who co-produced and co-directed this badass flick along with Noel. Killer job guys.

So my overall review of Exile will be cliche’s as hell: The force is strong in this one.

Sorry, I love the taste of low-hanging fruit.

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