Let’s Talk about Black Panther in ‘Civil War’ (No Spoilers)


Most people seem to be walking away from Marvel’s Civil War smiling wide and praising it. You hear a lot of Spiderman talk (and yes, they finally got him totally perfect) and some people will talk about that airport fight scene, and everyone isn’t wrong. That stuff was all amazing. But, can we please take just a moment to discuss how awesome Black Panther was and how he kind of stole the show? Maybe he didn’t for people who are not familiar with the comic character, but to those of us who are, we were astounded by everything, from casting to that insanely cool outfit. Seriously, that was “Batman” levels of cool, people. Let us not undermine it. Hell, after Dawn of Justice, dude might be BETTER than Batman, but I wont get ahead of myself.

Really, this is just an opportunity for me (being a voice for many geeks) to give a shout-out to Marvel. From Falcon to Black Panther, it is great to see the inclusion of heroes of other races, which has been pretty limited up to this point outside of the movie Blade (which was also Marvel, btw). I know a great many people may have shook their heads when they heard a Black Panther movie was in production, but only because they didn’t know the character. Well, now they know it and it is plain to see Marvel is going to deliver an awesome final product when he lands his own film.

Oh, and one final note. People who keep calling Iron Man or Bruce Wayne the richest guy in comics. Nope, it is Black Panther. He owns a country and is worth roughly 500 billion dollars. Not too shabby, huh?

[Image Via VCPost]

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