The “Game of Thrones” Dilemma


The good fellows over at Kotaku have come up with a rather interesting article in the wake of this week’s Game of Thrones season premier. As many of you know, this season of the stellar HBO fantasy series based on the best selling books by George R. R. Martin will be deterring from the books (as they are now officially ahead of the book’s schedule) and many readers are faced with the difficult dilemma. Will watching the new season ruin the new books? The answer is a resounding yes and no, as it turns out. The good news for avid readers is:

Some of the events depicted on the show will differ drastically in the books, of course. HBO has already taken some big liberties with Martin’s plot, cutting out some characters and blending others together.

But there is more to the argument than just that. Read the rest over here and decided for yourself. In my opinion, enjoy both and just try to treat them each as unique entities taking place in the same universe as one another (much like Walking Dead fans do with the comic and show). Or for Rick and Morty fans (and science fans in general), think of them as different multiverses all containing the same characters and plot, just all playing out differently.

How shwifty is that?

(Image via Kotaku)

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