How ‘Ash Vs Evil Dead’ Took Everything We Loved From The Movies And Made It Better


The Ash VS. Evil Dead show has been an absolute surprise hit among geeks. Who would have thought that Starz would of gotten the tone of the movie so perfectly?

i09 was a cool little piece right now about how the show pretty much nails everything about the movie:

The beauty of Ash vs Evil Dead is that it allows Ash—a character who is defined by an incredible lack of self-awareness—to evolve … sorta. His dual sidekicks Kelly and Pablo help him to realize that he’s missed out on having a family, or even close friends he can count on.

It really is a show well worth watching if you are a fan of this zany universe it takes place in and the former films. Give it a go if you haven’t yet. Do it, or I’ll eat YOUR SOUL!


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