30 More Hours With Fallout 3, Which Is Still Damn Good


While we all wait eagerly for Fallout 4, it’s easy to forget that Fallout 3 is such an expansive game with so much to see, one play through will never do the whole game justice. From Kotaku:

I’ve been pretty surprised coming back to Fallout 3 in part because I thought I’d done everything but here I am discovering various quests, marked and unmarked, that I’ve never seen before, like I’ve come across locations I’ve never visited. I’ve completely missed others I spent quite a bit of time with, like the town of Andale and its freaky cannibal inhabitants.

I have to concur. Always much to find and experience. I am on my third play through of Fallout 3 and am still finding things I have never seen before. Plus, great way to kill time will we wait for the next one.

(Via Kotaku)

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