The series is a lighthearted take on the personalities, luminaries, comic book stores, and characters they have run into during their years in the sci-fi community and convention circuit, while telling the story of a guy learning to love and embrace his fans. CON MAN centers around the post-show life of Wray Nerely (Alan Tudyk), the pilot and co-star of SPECTRUM, a sci-fi series which was cancelled before it’s time and eventually became a cult classic beloved by fans. Wray’s good friend, Jack Moore (Nathan Fillion) starred in the series and has gone on to become a major celebrity, while Wray continued to struggle to find his big break. While Jack enjoys the life of an A-lister, Wray tours the sci-fi circuit as a guest of conventions, comic book stores, and lots of pop culture events. The show will explore all the weird and crazy things that happen to Wray along the way, while telling the story of a guy learning to love and embrace his fans.
And apparently, it’s going to be awesome… at least Felicia day thinks so saying that the series could “Blow up the world the way Doctor Horrible did.”
That’s good to hear!
[Con Man]