Amazing Sculptures Made From Discarded Wood


Artist Thomas Dambo finds old pieces of woord that aren’t being used and reclaims them to make the amazing sculptures you are about to see. How he makes them is even more impressive than the end result.

Thomas and his team have made many different sculptures from recycled materials/trash. They have specialized in making wooden sculptures from scrapwood, such as Hector Protector and Troels The Troll but they also have great experience with making sculptures from other materials such as plastic, and even cardboard.

Behold some of his other work and be jealous you don’t have one of these awe-inspiring creatures on your front lawn. Please note each character’s awesome name below their pic.


Hector L. Protector


Ben Chiller


Woman 1


And the above pic, Olav the wolf, glowing at night. One of the most badass things I have ever seen, straight up.

(H/T to LaughingSquid)

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