Turn Songs into 3D-Printed Sculptures You Can ‘Listen To’ with Reify


The benefits of 3D printing are almost too impressive and massive for us to even properly address yet. The possibilities with this tech is limitless, and the directions it is going show great promise. But here is an angle you probably have never heard before, literally.

Remember how the Winamp player would make cool visualizations of your music based on highs and lows and frequency? Well, a company called Reify plans on doing the same thing, only using a 3D printer so you can actually print out how the song would “look.” That’s not even the craziest part:

Reify is also creating software that allows you to ‘scan’ the sculptures with your phone to interpret them back into audio. It’s not clear from their concept video if the music is recognizable, but that’s probably not the point. These sound sculptures seem to be more about visual presentation than media like vinyl or a phonograph.

So how cool is that? Listenable, 3D printed sculptures. My mind instantly wonders what Radiohead songs are going to look like. Probably complex galaxies. This is what “Ride of the Valkyries” looks like, 3D-printed, just to give you an idea.


[Images, story Via Colossal]

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