Tron 3 Is Coming!


Tron was a movie that was well ahead of its time. Dealing with A.I and the idea of a creator actually ending up as a sentient being within his own program. It was nerdtastic, and instilled in many of us geeks a love for programming, coding, and gaming in general (which some of us already had going in, though at the time there wasn’t much on the market).

Tron 2 was also pretty spectacular, but people called it shallow at times. Regardless, get ready for some great news for Tron fans as it seems Tron 3 has been officially announced, with the stunning Olivia Wilde coming back, as well as lead, Garret Hedlund.

The pair will reprise their characters from 2010’s Tron: Legacy in the sequel, which is being directed by Joseph Kosinski.

Sadly, we are not sure about the whereabouts off Jeff Bridges yet, but let’s keep our hopes high he will be on board in some form or another as well.

[Image via ToplessRobot, story Via HollywoodReporter]

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