50 Great Genre Bending Books Everyone Should Read


For many geeks, books were the first gateways we had to true adventure and limitless freedom. They allowed us to be the space pirates or the sword wielding warriors we always dreamt of. More than just books, they were doorways into worlds we would have never experienced were they not created by the bevvy of geniuses who authored them.

Flavorwire threw together this sweet list of 50 genre bending books everyone should read, and from entry one to entry fifty, they are not wrong. Example:

American Gods, Neil Gaiman

Gaiman is a habitual genre-bender, but this novel is one of his best: an American adventure story populated by the ancient gods and goddesses of global faiths. Part fantasy, part myth, part Americana, all pure joy.

I couldn’t agree with that assessment more, and that is just one. There are 49 other great selections, too. Check it out, it might just fill your “must read” list for the next decade.

[image via HBOWatch, story via Flavorwire]

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