Microsoft Will Finish Windows 10 in June


For those tapping your fingers together feverishly waiting for the newest OS for their PC’s, looks like Microsoft will be finishing up Windows 10 in June. While that may seem like a short time between announcement and release, they followed a very similar template with Windows 8, so it’s not like they can’t deliver on their promises.

But much like all deadlines, seems like there may be some fine print. Via TechCrunch:

Windows 10 got a new build out the gate in mid-January, implying that its RTM date should be a tip before August. You know, like June.

Hold onto your hat, however, unless you’re an OEM: RTM means the code is released to companies like Dell, not the average consumer. You will have to wait a bit longer. Still, Microsoft wants to ensure that as many Windows 10-powered PCs as possible are in the market for the back-to-school sales cycle, let alone this year’s far away holiday period.

So it may be finished in June, but most of us may still have to wait to see how much better (or worse) Windows 10 is from is predecessors. Things really seem to be shaping up, though, and we have our fingers crossed on this one.

[Image via MalwareTips, Story Via TechCrunch]

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