Way back in 1922, F.W. Murnau brought the frightening, ugly, Slenderman-esque vampire Count Orlok to life in Nosferatu:A Symphony of Horror. He wanted to do an adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, but after being told no by the Stoker estate, he decided he’d make his own vampire movie — which, honestly, is basically just an unauthorized adaptation.
Max Schreck as Count Orlok in “Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror” (1922).
But it’s beautiful and bone-chilling.
And now, director David Lee Fisher is hoping to “remix” it. What’s a remix? Well, watch the video below for a better explanation, but it basically involves transposing actors onto the original scenes of the original film (along with adding dialogue and updated sound/music).
Fisher is no stranger to the realm of German Expressionism. In 2005, he undertook a remix of the 1920 classic The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, with make-up chameleon-extraordinaire actor Doug Jones in the role of Cesare:
Fisher is bringing Jones back for his Nosferatu adaptation in the titular role of Count Orlok — but they need your help! The project has garnered a little over half of what it needs, and there are still a few days left to donate on Kickstarter.
Doug Jones as Count Orlock, with make-up FX by Spectral Motion.
Head on over to the Kickstarter page to look at the vast amount of content: More videos, storyboards, photos, bios, and really awesome prizes.