RUMOR MILL: A List of DC Movies to be Released Over Next 4 Years

Justice League

First off: If you don’t know who Nikki Finke is, let me fill you in real quick:

Finke is a Hollywood reporter. She was also the founder and editor-in-chief of until 2013, when the website announced her departure. Aside from a journalism resume that is pretty impressive — she’s written for The New York Times, Vanity Fair, The Washington Post, and Esquire, among others — she is also extremely feared and/or hated among the Hollywood elite, depending on who you talk to.

That being said, I bring this news to you — directly from her new blog — with a grain of salt. We’ll know more when San Diego Comic-Con happens in July.

According to Finke’s sources, this is the upcoming movie slate for DC Comics and Warner Bros.:

May 2016 – Batman v Superman
July 2016 – Shazam
Xmas 2016 – Sandman
May 2017 – Justice League
July 2017 – Wonder Woman
Xmas 2017 – Flash and Green Lantern team-up (Ryan Reynolds out)
May 2018 – Man Of Steel 2

Are you excited about this potential news? What do you think of DC/WB’s massive undertaking over the next 4 years, presuming this list is accurate?

[Source: Nikki Finke]