Last October, I had the pleasure of interviewing pop culture artist Brandon Bird. Even if you may not recognize his name, I bet you’ve recognized his work over the past decade.
From time to time, Bird hosts art exhibits of both his own work and of others’ at various Los Angeles-area galleries. Starting this Saturday, just in time for the new movie, Bird has a new exhibit at Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra, CA: The ‘X-Mans’ series.
According to his website:
The story of X-Mans began ten years ago, when I found an X-Men coloring book in a dollar store in Watsonville. Intrigued by its wonky anatomy, inexplicable pre-industrial setting, and images of X-Men standing around water coolers, I have asked my artist friends to present their own interpretations of this unique work. Each piece is displayed next to the coloring page that inspired by it, credited to Ronald & Donald Williams (unfortunately, the internet has no additional info on these two). Keep in mind that this was an officially licensed product Marvel allowed to be put in stores.
“Visor Man Encircled by the Sun” by Joel Fox
“But It’s Hot Outside” by Kelsy Abbott
“Magic Man, Magic Land” by John Larriva
If you’re going to be near the L.A. area this weekend, be sure to stop in and see these wonders in person — Bird himself also created a piece for the show. But hurry! The exhibit is only for a mere three days! The show will be on display in the upper gallery of Nucleus May 17, 18, and 20. A reception will be held on Sunday, May 18, from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.