City Councilman Resigns…in Klingon

North Carolina city councilman David Waddell sent his resignation letter to Mayor Michael Alvarez penned in the Klingon language of plqaD.


Waddell, a plumber by trade and a Star Trek fan, used the Klingon translator, ending the letter with “chaq DaHjaj QaQ jaj paj,” which means “maybe today is a good day (to) resign.”

 “Folks don’t know what to think of me half the time,” Waddell told The Charlotte Observer. “So I might as well have one last laugh.”


According to the USA Today, Mayor Alvarez wasn’t amused, saying “It’s an embarrassment for Indian Trail , and it’s an embarrassment for North Carolina,”

Waddell’s resignation takes effect on January 31, nearly two years early.

According to The Charlotte Observer, “Waddell left his post early because he was frustrated with how citizens’ requests for public information were addressed.”

[via cnet]

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