Screenshot: Ryan North’s To Be or Not to Be Choose-Your-Own Adeventure version of Hamlet
If the hundreds of human-language translations of Shakespeare’s works don’t satisfy your need for the Bard in your life, rest assured other geeks have you covered. Apparently, Hamlet is available in Klingon:
There’s a line in one of the Star Trek movies where a Klingon character says, “you have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon.” Some members of the Klingon Language Institute decided Wil’yam Shex’pir’s classic needed to be restored, so they translated the whole play into Klingon. Here’s a taste:
taH pagh taHbe’. DaH mu’tlheghvam vIqelnIS.
(One either continues or doesn’t continue. Now, I must consider this sentence.)
quv’a’, yabDaq San vaQ cha, pu’ je SIQDI’?
(Is it honorable, when, inside the mind, one endures the torpedoes and phasers of aggressive fate?)
pagh, Seng bIQ’a’Hey SuvmeH nuHmey SuqDI’,
‘ej, Suvmo’, rInmoHDI’?
(Or, when one obtains weapons to fight a seeming ocean of troubles,
And, by fighting, one finishes them?)
For examples in PERL, emoji and LOLspeak, check out the rest on Mental Floss.