Jeans for the Laziest of iPhone Users

Alphyn industries has released these unique jeans, supposedly to “change the way we wear our jeans and our smartphones”. While they look like a regular pair of jeans with cool stitching and in an indigo colour, when the wearer’s phone buzzes with an SMS notification, you will be suddenly surprised as he flips open a flap to fiddle with his phone without ever having to remove them from his pants.

Discrete, perhaps, but also incredibly lazy. In a world where we drive to the supermarket down the street instead of carrying our shopping home, do we really need to reduce our physical movement even more!? How hard is it really to pull your phone out of your pocket?

If you really do feel that the fighter pilot G-suit inspired custom pocket – 3 by 5 inches (so fits the iPhone or a smaller Android) – is something that you desperately want and need, you can get them from Alphyn Industries for $160.

Personally, I think the pullover with a custom pocket in the left sleeve for $199 is far more practical, and way cooler. Would make me feel like the Protector from Continuum!

[By Alphyn Industries | Via Wired Gadget Lab]