The good, bad and ugly of the Steve Jobs reaction

Two days after the death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, he is continuing to make the headlines as the tech world adjusts to life without his influence. Here are just a few of the happenings.

Staff at software and design firm Mint Digital created the above tribute using only parts from a MacBook Pro.

Investors seem happy with Apple’s post-Jobs corporate plan, or at least already adjusted to life after his retirement: the company’s stock price is barely unchanged since the news broke. That’s a big change to an incident in 2008 when a bogus news story claiming Jobs had suffered a heart attack saw Apple’s stock price slump more than five percent in 12 minutes. It appeared the incident was a misguided prank, though at one stage it was thought a fraudster might have used the story to short-sell stock and cash in.

Analysts are already turning their attention to Apple’s Jonathan Ive, the key physical designer of many of the company’s best-known products, suggesting he’s now become even more of a key asset.

Stephen Colbert covered Jobs’s death on his Comedy Central show in a rare example of the comedian breaking character, and truly outing himself as an Apple geek.

The Public Theater in New York has decided to go ahead with a previously-scheduled October 17 debut of “The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs”, a one-man show that combines the Jobs’ life story with performer Mike Daisey’s experiences visiting Apple suppliers in China. Daisey told Reuters that after Jobs’ death, it was still appropriate to “decide what parts of his legacy we should embrace and what parts we need to reject.”

An authorized biography of Jobs has been brought forward from November 21 to October 24, while Bluewater Productions (which specializes in comic books based on real people’s lives) has already released an e-book version of a Jobs comic that had been scheduled for print release later in the month. It follows the surprising success of a similar title about Mark Zuckerburg,

A homophobic “church” which I won’t do the honor of naming has sought publicity by threatening to picket Jobs’ funeral. When called out for the irony of having announced this via the iPhone Twitter app, a spokeswoman claimed the device had in fact been created by God.

And finally, while there’s the inevitable barrage of offensive or inappropriate jokes about Jobs, I’d like to share a quick-witted post from a friend I follow on Twitter that did raise a smile:

RIP Steve Jobs. I hope you’re in heaven, and not in he’ll