NASA’s “Up All Night” Perseids-Watching Party

If you’ve ever dreamed of staying up late chatting with NASA astronomers while watching the Perseids streak across the sky, tonight might be the best of your life. And even if you aren’t all OMGNASA, you can still catch a glimpse of the meteor shower if you’re in the right place (and the moon doesn’t outshine them all in your location).

Make plans to chat with NASA astronomer Bill Cooke and his team from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center as they answer your questions about the Perseids via live Web chat. Join them on Friday, Aug. 12 at 11 p.m. EDT — 03:00 UTC GMT — then make plans to stay “up all night” until 5:00 a.m. EDT on Saturday, Aug. 13.

Joining the chat is easy. Simply return to this chat page a few minutes before 11 p.m. EDT on Friday, Aug. 12. The chat module will appear at the bottom of this page. Simply type your name to join the chat, then we’ll start taking your questions at 11 p.m. EDT.

And if that’s not enough info for you, you can head over to the NASA Chat page for more.


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