A Call for Help: Relentlessly Cheerful Artist Needs YOUR Help!

For those of you who’ve been with us for a while, you’ll probably remember our post featuring James Hance’s Star Wars-themed art. Since we’ve posted this, I’ve had the pleasure of exchanging a few emails with James, and he’s a really an awesome and nice person… with a really sick little daughter, and he needs our help.

I’m usually very private about my private life, but I really need your help right now – I have a beautiful 6yr old daughter who lives with her mum in Palm Coast, FL. She’s the most imaginative, caring, hilarious little girl I know and she’s on her way to a Children’s Hospital in Boston ( http://www.childrenshospital.org/ ) for specialized diagnostic testing for a rare intestinal disorder she has suffered with since birth.

The medical bills are astronomical – I’m asking that, if any of my ridiculous doodles have made you smile, please consider donating a couple of buckaroos to help Maddy get back on her relentlessly cheerful feet? Let’s show her how many friends she has :)

I’ve never helped raise funds for a good cause on [GAS], so I have no idea how you guys will react to this, but there’s one thing I know for sure: If one of my children would be really sick, I’d be ready to give my whole world to make him feel better. Fortunately for me, I’m in Canada, where getting medical help doesn’t cost me a penny (not directly, in any case), but James lives in the U.S.A, where getting treated for a disorder can literally bankrupt you.

If you can afford helping James’ daughter out, be sure to visit this page, where you can donate as much as you want to help her get well again.

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