Full iPad2 Specs vs. Competition: Who’s Best? [Infographic]

With the release of the iPad in 2010, and the termendous and unexpected success of this latest Apple innovation, there was no doubt that all of Apple’s competitors would be releasing their own tablets in the near future in order to compete with the iPad.

After the first wave of releases and the initial thickening of the competition in this market, rumors began to fly, already in January, regarding the new features and specs expected to accompany the release of the iPad 2, which will ship on March 11.

In the following infographic, we’ll take a look at what innovation the iPad 2 will be bringing to the table (or should we say tablet?), as well as what Apple’s competitors will offer in an effort to stay in the face. Be sure to click on the infographic to enlarge it!

Click to Enlarge Picture


[Source: Investintech]

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