Funny/Disturbing Ad Campaign: Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2

Check out the somewhat wrong/hilarious promotional campaign EA has launched to promote Dead Space 2, their latest goretastic first person shooter.

Warning: Video contains blood and gore. Lots of it.

Yep, they asked a bunch of old ladies to sit down in front of some footage of their game, and filmed their reactions for the world to see. This lady (below), who’s probably the youngest of the bunch, is the one who had the most positive reaction to the game. You can check out the rest right here.

At the beginning of this post, I say “somewhat wrong/hilarious” because as a parent, I would never want to see my kids playing this game, at least until they are 17, but as a gamer, I’d definitely be interested in trying it out.

So, what do you guys think of EA’s Dead Space 2 promotional campaign? Let us know in the comments section below!

[Dead Space 2 @]

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