Geeky Gingerbread [Pictures]

It’s that time of year! Holiday baking means small armies of gingerbread men, not to mention the delicious houses they live in. But clearly some gingerbready culinary concoctions are geekier than others, and here’s a few you can try to replicate if you’re feeling particularly creative (and hungry)…

Night of the Living Bread – v1ctory_1s_m1ne (CC)

Gingerbread extreme home makeover. A confidence-inspiring crew, considering how structurally sound the Death Star was. – stefan (CC)

Towering gingerbread robot of doom. – trifly (CC)

Mmmmmmm forbidden gingerbread… – zebuladesign (CC)

And across the street, over at the Griffin household. – zebuladesign (CC)

This is what happens when you google “gingerbread.” – dannysullivan (CC)

Gingerbread Bot – ittybittiesforyou (CC)

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